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Advancing Community wellness in the Coachella Valley

Self-Harm Awareness Month: Learn the signs and available resources

A young white woman with shoulder-length brown hair and her hands raised toward her face looks up to the camera as colors swirls around her.

Many risk factors for self-harm include mental health conditions, substance use, a history of trauma or abuse and impulsivity. It is often a coping mechanism for individuals struggling with difficult life circumstances or experiences. You can also look for the following:

  • Sudden changes in appearance. If someone wears long sleeves or pants in the middle of summer, this could be a sign that they are hiding cuts or bruises.
  • Mention of self-harm in conversation. People struggling with self-harming behaviors may talk about it jokingly or as if it is not a big deal.
  • Sudden changes in mood or behavior. For example, a person who is harming themselves may become withdrawn or depressed, or they may start acting out.

California Coalition for Youth:


RUHS-BH Take My Hand – Peer Support:


NIMH- National Institute of MH – Digital postings BH Resources

My Mental Health: Do I Need Help?