District Board approves three $150,000 grants for valley health centers
During a special meeting on Monday, April 13, the Desert Healthcare District and Foundation Board of Directors unanimously voted to approve financial support for the Coachella Valley's three federally qualified health centers.
Borrego Health, Clinicas de Salud del Pueblo and Desert AIDS Project will each receive $150,000.
Board Director Les Zendle, MD, reminded attendees of the meeting, which was conducted by phone, that the funds are intended to shore up the centers which have seen their revenues adversely affected by Covid-19.
The total allocation of $450,000 is a part of $1.2 million that the Board approved on March 24 during it regular meeting as a response to Covid-19 in the Coachella Valley.
Earlier this month, the Board also identified the three centers as the recipients of about 10,000 rapid Covid-19 tests, which are expected to arrive in the valley within the month.
For more on the District and Foundation's Covid-19 resources, as well as other organizations', please visit dhcd.org.